Rams Even Up Conference Record

Oak Forest, IL (November 20, 2012) - The Varsity Rams (3-3, 2-2 conf) defeated Bremen 1803-1734 at Oak Forest Bowl on Tuesday.  With the Rams struggling to find their shot in game one, Orlando Sanmiguel stepped up big with a 232 to keep the Rams within 14 pins.  The in game two the Rams pulled away with great performances from Matt Sammon - 212, Orlando Sanmiguel - 203, and Tyler Matlock - 197 to earn the series victory by 70 pins.  Orlando Sanmiguel bowled high series 435 for the Rams. 
The frosh/soph Rams were defeated 1564-1393.  Jasson Barrios led the Rams with a high game of 191 and series of 359.