Three Game Winning Streak Comes to an End

Burbank, IL (December 3, 2013) - The Varsity Rams (4-3, 4-2) ended their three game winning streak in a hard fought 2082-1928 loss to Oak Lawn. In a series that saw good bowling on both sides, the determining factor proved to be spare conversion. The Rams missed 6 out of 8 ten pins, which amounts to a minimum of 60 pins. The bright side is the Rams seem to be getting better each match and continue to score well. Jasson Barrios bowled high game (213) and earned high series for the Rams with a 411. Orlando Sanmiguel was not far behind with a 400 series and 203 game.

The Frosh/soph also saw their six game win streak come to an end with a 1746-1634 loss. Israel Gonzalez bowled high game (193) and "Little Bear" Clancy earned high series with a 377. Bobby Clancy bowled a 188 and a 189