Rams Advance to Sectionals with 4th Place Finish

Glendale Heights, IL (January 17, 2015) - On Saturday the Varsity Rams advanced to Sectionals after bowling their season high six game series (5873), to take 4th place at Regionals.  Congratulations to Tony Shanklin who medaled after taking 4th overall, with a 1291 series. Jasson Barrios finished 7th (1265), and Alvin Munoz took 11th (1231). Highlight games include: Alvin Munoz 268, 244; Jasson Barrios 258, 248, 225, 222; Tony Shanklin 244, 224, 214, 205, 204, 200; Bobby Clancy 212, 206; and Israel Gonzalez 200.  The Rams will compete at Sectionals this Saturday at Brunswick Zone in Glendale Heights.