Rams Advance 9 to Sectionals

The varsity Rams walked into Lyons Township with a "go get them attitude" and walked away with NINE Sectional Qualifiers.  The Rams wrestled thier best tournament of the season at the right time!  Regional Champs included Josh Arnold (126) and Joe Kennedy (160).  2nd place finishers were Jesus Vasques (106), Sam Almousa (132), Yusif Ismail (182), and Eduardo Marquez (285).  Guys who put their foot on the line in a win or go home match included Mutaz Matariyeh (113) 3rd Place, Matt Gonzales (120) 3rd Place, and Khal Almousa (152) 3rd Place.  All nine of these wrestlers will travel to De Lasalle on Friday to compete in the Sectional Tournament.  Top four wrestlers advance to the state tournament in Champaign, IL.  Great job Gentelmen.